Monday, 23 May 2011

Dusk promises Dawn.

Beyond this beauteous dusk
Forgiving and enticing
There is that lustful dawn
Promising me plenitude.
Whom do I adore more?
The golden horizon
When the sun makes
Love to the treacherous
Earth in myriad shades
Of terracotta rust.
The crest and trough
The rise and fall
The spasm and non spasm
When they meet, dusk
Enchants, glorifies
And then meekly withdraws
Into the ravenous raven hued
Bitter night.
And then that powerful moment
When dawn wins once again
And the sun breaks free from
The wombs of being, excited.
Dusk follows dawn follows dusk
And when they merge in copious cries
I will cease to have to choose/exist.

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